NCC 2022 Standards Spotlight: Fire Hydrant Installations

After starting our series looking at emergency lighting and exit signs for buildings, we continue with the theme of safety by putting the spotlight on AS 2419.1:2021 - Fire hydrant installations, Part 1: System design, installation, and commissioning.
What is AS 2419.1: 2021?
AS 2419.1: 2021 specifies requirements for the design, installation, commissioning and testing of fire hydrant installations that are used for the protection of buildings, structures, storage yards, marinas and associated moored vessels, wharves and plant.
The latest version of the standard supersedes AS 2419.1-2005 as a primary referenced document in the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022.
Who is this standard for?
Developers, hydraulic engineers, fire authorities, firefighting professionals, building certifiers, fire safety engineers, and State and Territory building authorities.
What’s changed for NCC 2022?
The key changes in AS 2419.1: 2021 are:
- Limiting the scope of the standard to exclude buildings taller than 135m and Class 7 and Class 8 buildings larger than 108,000m3.
- The standard also excludes buildings using automated storage and retrieval systems.
Setting the above limitations recognises that some buildings of significant height or volume and their associated risks are better considered on a case-by-case basis in consultation with fire safety and hydraulic engineers, and fire authorities.
This approach is consistent with the NCC and the Australian Building Codes Board which recognise that buildings are becoming increasingly more complex.
Other important changes:
- The revision has been restructured to improve readability and includes many of the commonly applied performance solutions to the requirements of AS 2419.1:2005.
- Further changes include updating normative provisions, including new technologies and industry best practice methods, and providing additional guidance to help improve clarity.
In summary, AS 2419.1:2021 seeks to standardise fire hydrant system designs for buildings within scope and promote the development of performance solutions outside of scope.
AS 2419.1:2021, Fire hydrant installations, Part 1: System design, installation, and commissioning is available via the Standards Australia Store and our distribution partners.
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