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Board & Executive

Board of Directors

Tracey Gramlick profile picture
Tracey Gramlick
MAICD, GradDipMechEng, MBA(TechMgt)
Chair of the Board; Member - People, Governance & Risk Committee; Member - Finance...
Marlene Kanga AO profile picture
Marlene Kanga AO
BTech (Chem Engg), MSc (Lon), PhD (Macq), HonFIEAust HonFIChemE FAICD FISC FTSE FREng
Chair – People, Governance & Risk Committee; Member – Finance, Investment & Audit Committee; ...
Nick Koukoulas profile picture
Nick Koukoulas
Chair - Finance, Investment & Audit Committee; Member – Membership Committee; ...
Megan Motto profile picture
Megan Motto
BA/BEd, MA (Comms Mgt), Grad Dip (Gov & Risk), FGIA FCG GFAICD
Chair – Membership Committee
Ian Oppermann profile picture
Ian Oppermann
MBA (Lon), PhD (Syd). FIEEE, FIEAust, FTSE, FACS, FRSN, GAICD-Standards Australia
Chair - Standards Development & Accreditation Committee
Ken Slattery profile picture
Ken Slattery
Member – People, Governance & Risk Committee; Member – Standards Development & Accreditation Committee

Executive Team

Emma Lowes profile picture
Emma Lowes
Chief Transformation Officer
Emma leads the strategic growth of our people, technology, and processes, ensuring we deliver...
Kareen Riley-Takos profile picture
Kareen Riley-Takos
Chief Operations Officer
Kareen Riley-Takos is the Chief Operations Officer at Standards Australia, leading the organisation...
Adam Stingemore profile picture
Adam Stingemore
Chief Development Officer
Adam is responsible for leading Standards Australia’s strategic development...
Peter Homan profile picture
Peter Homan
Chief Financial Officer
As CFO, Peter is responsible for the overall financial direction of the organisation and...
Tanya Brees profile picture
Tanya Brees
Chief Marketing Officer
Tanya Brees is a versatile leader...