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The Incubator needs you!

February 20, 2020

Throughout 2019 we spoke to our key consumers with the aim of understanding further how people access and use standards. The research was undertaken to better align our publishing activities to consumer expectations. After speaking with nearly 2000 people we focused in on two key areas – pains and gains.Pains – this is one of the most important parts of our research because wherever there is pain, there is an opportunity. People are far more motivated to use something if it solves a problem, than if it is merely a modest improvement.Our research identified some common pain points when using standards:

  • Discoverability – it can be difficult to find relevant content within a standard. Some even mentioned challenges with finding the most relevant standard to use.
  • Time-consuming - Standards are not easily digested, navigated or shared with colleagues.
  • Complexity - Sometimes standards can be too complex to decipher.

Gains – the potential benefits of using our content include functional utility, positive emotions, and cost savings. Not simply the opposite of pains, gains can also be the hidden ambitions consumers have. When we asked what they gain from using standards, respondents overwhelming said:

  • Compliance – Using standards creates ease when working to stay compliant.
  • Safety – Knowing that safety has been considered creates a level of confidence in projects.
  • Quality - Help deliver quality outcomes and consistent execution across different industries.

Research insights are powerful but of no use unless acted upon. With this information in our back pocket, our aim in 2020 is to improve how we deliver content and provide value to our customers.Let us know what you think and how we can further improve by emailing us at Savva is the Head of Product for Standards Australia

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media enquiries

For media enquires, please contact:

Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487