CEO Report

2023 was significant for Standards Australia – a year in which we delivered new systems and capabilities, new standards access models and explored different development pathways. In 2024 we will continue our essential journey of transformation – building a modern, responsive and innovative organisation capable of delivering greater value to the Australian community. We will also seek to build stronger partnerships to support the development of trusted solutions in crucial areas like AI, the environment and sustainable energy. Our customers will see the benefits of our investment in transformation, as we roll out technologies that put standards in the hands of users faster, easier and more affordably. We will continue to improve our systems and tools, particularly in the area of cybersecurity, and also embrace AI and realise the opportunities it can bring. In 2023 we improved our training programs for contributors and staff and improved our human resources and talent practices – the latter resulting in winning the Employer of Choice Award. These programs will continue into 2024. As we prepare to enter a new year, I am optimistic that the benefits of our hard work will flow through more noticeably to our customers. To our members, contributors, stakeholders and staff, thank you for your commitment this year. I look forward to working with you in 2024 as we continue to serve the Australian community, improving safety and quality for consumers, and helping to empower communities in all sectors of the economy to address their need for effective and high-quality solutions.
Australian contributors recognised for their IEC work
Four Standards Australia contributors have been recognised with the IEC’s Annual 1906 Award, granted in recognition of exceptional individual achievements - a project or other specific contribution - which helped advance IEC activities in a significant way. In December 2023, Dr. Ian Opperman, who is the Chair of the IEC Australian National Committee and a member of Standards Australia's Board, presented certificates to these individuals for their work. The event was held at Standards Australia's headquarters.
The recipients are:
David Sweeting
Expert of the IEC Technical Committee 8, System aspects of electrical supply.
Nominated by the Chair and Secretary of IEC TC 8.

In recognition for his outstanding selflessness while convening IRC TC 8/MT 1 in the maintenance of IEC 60038 - Standard voltages, IEC 60059 - Standard current ratings and IEC 60196 - Standard frequencies, particularly in the recent maintenance of IEC 60038.
Phillip Robinson
Expert of the IEC Technical Committee 59, Performance of household and similar electrical appliances.
Nominated by the Chair and Secretary of IEC TC 59.

In recognition for his significant contribution to the development of Edition 6 of IEC 60456 - Clothes washing machines for household use - Methods for measuring the performance. In negotiations with the Australian authorities, he has achieved adoption of the IEC Standards for washing machines and tumble dryers as a test method for conformity assessment.
Jason McGee
Expert of the IEC Technical Committee 31, Equipment for explosive atmospheres.
Nominated by the Chair and Secretary of IEC TC 31.

In recognition for his highly successful contribution as co-convenor of and expert in SC 31G/MT 60079-11 (Intrinsically-safe apparatus), for work on developing IEC 660079-11:2023 - Explosive atmospheres – Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic Safety "i". He demonstrated excellent leadership during the 11 face-to-face meetings and 40 virtual meetings that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic to address more than 1700 comments over the six-year duration of this project.
Geoff Stapleton
Expert of the IEC Technical Committee 82, Solar photovoltaic energy system
Nominated by the Chair and Secretary of IEC TC 82.

In recognition for his consistently excellent contributions to IEC TC 82/JWG 1 as a Project Leader for the IEC 62257 - Renewable energy off-grid systems series.
For more information, go to: Awards IEC
Standards Australia welcomes the new AI Management System standard - ISO/IEC 42001:2023

The new standard- ISO/IEC 42001:2023 was published in December 2023 and is now out for consultation, closing February 2. It supports the development of AI management systems and addresses important issues that emerged with the growth in adoption of AI, such as the need for a uniform AI governance framework.
Harnessing AI’s potential: Standards Australia’s role at the 2023 GPAI Summit

A soon-to-be-released Standards Australia publication received international attention in December 2023 when it was showcased at the GPAI summit in New Delhi. The publication was presented by Aurelie Jacquet, Chair of Australia's AI standards committee, and Roland Terry-Lloyd, Standards Australia's Head of Engagement & Strategic Delivery. Learn more here.
Standards Australia delivers technical support to the Timor-Leste Standards Uplift Initiative

Standards Australia is working to uplift the Timor-Leste standards body, IQTL, in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and its Partnership for Inclusive Prosperity (PROSIVU) program.
International Update
Standards Australia represents Australia on the two major international standards development bodies, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Our activities are reported on our International Updates page.
Sector Update
Access the latest standards development news in your industry sector via our Sectors page.
Drafts open for comment
The public comment process provides an opportunity for stakeholders and members of the public to make valuable contributions. With the launch of our new public comment platform, draft standards currently open for comment are now available via Connect.