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Australia and the United Kingdom sign landmark Free Trade Agreement

December 17, 2021


Standards Australia welcomes the announcement of the signing of the UK – Australia Free Trade Agreement (A-UK FTA) today by Australia’s Minister for Trade, The Hon. Dan Tehan MP.

The comprehensive and ambitious agreement will launch a new chapter in the economic relations between Australia and the UK.

“The highly anticipated FTA with the UK will provide new opportunities for business in Australia by supporting an expansion in bilateral trade and investment flows”, said Adrian O'Connell, Chief Executive Officer of Standards Australia.

“Importantly, the comprehensive deal will promote greater integration between the Australian and UK markets, including through provisions that support harmonisation of standards and the use of international standards as the basis for regulation in both countries”, added Mr O’Connell.

International standards underpin global trade through removing barriers to trade and enabling business to successfully access the global economy. They're also vital for ensuring consistency and interoperability across borders, enabling business to take part in global value chains and providing confidence and protection for consumers.

“Standards Australia contributed to the negotiations of the A-UK FTA, and we look forward to working closely with government, industry, consumers and BSI, the UK National Standards Body, to ensure that harmonised standards support the realisation of the trade liberalising outcomes under the agreement,” said Mr O’Connell.

Jess Dunne
Australia and the United Kingdom sign landmark Free Trade Agreement
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Two large cargo ships loaded with colorful shipping containers docked at a busy port, with cranes in the background. A plane and birds are flying in the clear blue sky above.

Standards Australia welcomes the announcement of the signing of the UK – Australia Free Trade Agreement (A-UK FTA) today by Australia’s Minister for Trade, The Hon. Dan Tehan MP.

The comprehensive and ambitious agreement will launch a new chapter in the economic relations between Australia and the UK.

“The highly anticipated FTA with the UK will provide new opportunities for business in Australia by supporting an expansion in bilateral trade and investment flows”, said Adrian O'Connell, Chief Executive Officer of Standards Australia.

“Importantly, the comprehensive deal will promote greater integration between the Australian and UK markets, including through provisions that support harmonisation of standards and the use of international standards as the basis for regulation in both countries”, added Mr O’Connell.

International standards underpin global trade through removing barriers to trade and enabling business to successfully access the global economy. They're also vital for ensuring consistency and interoperability across borders, enabling business to take part in global value chains and providing confidence and protection for consumers.

“Standards Australia contributed to the negotiations of the A-UK FTA, and we look forward to working closely with government, industry, consumers and BSI, the UK National Standards Body, to ensure that harmonised standards support the realisation of the trade liberalising outcomes under the agreement,” said Mr O’Connell.

Jess Dunne
Communications Manager
Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487