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Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards – Report

July 22, 2017


Standards Australia is pleased to announce the publication of the Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards – Report.

The development of the Roadmap over a four month period between March and June 2016 involved a series of forums and industry-wide consultations which allowed for stakeholders to consider the standards that would be necessary to support Australia’s advanced metering equipment infrastructure.

In June 2016 Australian stakeholders came together for the final forum in the Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards. The Roadmap (including a Work Program involving the development of 23 Australian Standards®) was released to stakeholders on the day.

This report provides a background on advanced metering standards and explains the process of developing the Roadmap.

The publication of this Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards paves the way for stakeholders to work with Standards Australia to prepare and submit proposals for the development of contemporary Australian Standards® for advanced metering.

The proposal forms and standards development activities will be informed by the work program and priority projects as set out in the Roadmap. However, Standards Australia recognises that this Roadmap only serves as a guide and that stakeholders may ultimately not seek to develop Australian Standards® for advanced metering exactly in accordance with the Roadmap.

Standards Australia is grateful for the support provided by co-resourcing partners (Vector, Landis+Gyr, EDMI, ENA and Origin) to undertake the development of the Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards.

Standards Australia also gratefully acknowledges the contributions and participation of stakeholders from industry, government and consumer groups in the development of the Roadmap.

Communications Department
Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards – Report
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Cover page of a document titled "Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards," dated July 2016, with a yellow and orange gradient background.

Standards Australia is pleased to announce the publication of the Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards – Report.

The development of the Roadmap over a four month period between March and June 2016 involved a series of forums and industry-wide consultations which allowed for stakeholders to consider the standards that would be necessary to support Australia’s advanced metering equipment infrastructure.

In June 2016 Australian stakeholders came together for the final forum in the Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards. The Roadmap (including a Work Program involving the development of 23 Australian Standards®) was released to stakeholders on the day.

This report provides a background on advanced metering standards and explains the process of developing the Roadmap.

The publication of this Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards paves the way for stakeholders to work with Standards Australia to prepare and submit proposals for the development of contemporary Australian Standards® for advanced metering.

The proposal forms and standards development activities will be informed by the work program and priority projects as set out in the Roadmap. However, Standards Australia recognises that this Roadmap only serves as a guide and that stakeholders may ultimately not seek to develop Australian Standards® for advanced metering exactly in accordance with the Roadmap.

Standards Australia is grateful for the support provided by co-resourcing partners (Vector, Landis+Gyr, EDMI, ENA and Origin) to undertake the development of the Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards.

Standards Australia also gratefully acknowledges the contributions and participation of stakeholders from industry, government and consumer groups in the development of the Roadmap.

Communications Department
Sarah Campbell profile picture
Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487