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Technical Governance Review - Response to Final Report

April 12, 2018


Standards Australia has today released its response to the final report from Cameron Ralph Khoury, as part of the Technical Governance Review.

“The review of our Technical Governance has been underway for more than 12 months, and providing our response should serve as a signal to industry, and the broader community, that we remain committed to modernising our business processes and delivering quality and beneficial outcomes to the Australian community,” said Ms Kareen Riley-Takos, General Manager – Operations at Standards Australia.

A number of priorities were addressed in the Standards Australia Response, with a clear focus on the six main steps of the standards development process, supported by a three-tiered reform approach. All of which has been outlined by Cameron Ralph Khoury following extensive consultation and engagement of internal and external stakeholders.

The Response has been developed for further consultation with contributors, business, consumers, industry, government and the Australian public.

“This is by no means the end of the process,” said Ms Riley-Takos. “Feedback and input is still being sought to refine ideas and suggestions, including priorities that Standards Australia should focus on. This feedback will join with comments received at public forums, and webinars, as a comprehensive response from the community about how Standards Australia can implement modernised business processes.”

Those interested in providing further comments are encouraged to attend forums being held in:

For those unable to attend the forums, written feedback can be submitted to with comments encouraged until 15 May 2018.

Adam Stingemore
Technical Governance Review - Response to Final Report
+61 2 9237 6086
Email and link here

Standards Australia has today released its response to the final report from Cameron Ralph Khoury, as part of the Technical Governance Review.

“The review of our Technical Governance has been underway for more than 12 months, and providing our response should serve as a signal to industry, and the broader community, that we remain committed to modernising our business processes and delivering quality and beneficial outcomes to the Australian community,” said Ms Kareen Riley-Takos, General Manager – Operations at Standards Australia.

A number of priorities were addressed in the Standards Australia Response, with a clear focus on the six main steps of the standards development process, supported by a three-tiered reform approach. All of which has been outlined by Cameron Ralph Khoury following extensive consultation and engagement of internal and external stakeholders.

The Response has been developed for further consultation with contributors, business, consumers, industry, government and the Australian public.

“This is by no means the end of the process,” said Ms Riley-Takos. “Feedback and input is still being sought to refine ideas and suggestions, including priorities that Standards Australia should focus on. This feedback will join with comments received at public forums, and webinars, as a comprehensive response from the community about how Standards Australia can implement modernised business processes.”

Those interested in providing further comments are encouraged to attend forums being held in:

For those unable to attend the forums, written feedback can be submitted to with comments encouraged until 15 May 2018.

Adam Stingemore
Chief Development Officer
+61 2 9237 6086
Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487