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Technical Governance - Summary of submissions released

December 7, 2017


Following the completion of the first phase of work on a review of Standards Australia’s technical governance, a summary of submissions​ has been released and feedback is sought on whether key issues have been appropriately captured.

This follows Cameron Ralph Khoury​ being appointed as independent consultants to assist in a review of Standards Australia’s technical governance in August 2017 and the release of an Issues Paper​ calling for submissions.

Interviews were conducted with a range of stakeholders from industry associations, government, professional associations, private businesses and community interests. Consultations were also conducted with Standards Australia staff.

Stakeholders are asked to review the summary document to ensure key areas of focus have been captured.

Any comments on the summary should be provided directly to Cameron Ralph Khoury by 21 December 2017.

A recommendations report is expected to be provided to Standards Australia by March 2018.​​

Technical Governance - Summary of submissions released
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Following the completion of the first phase of work on a review of Standards Australia’s technical governance, a summary of submissions​ has been released and feedback is sought on whether key issues have been appropriately captured.

This follows Cameron Ralph Khoury​ being appointed as independent consultants to assist in a review of Standards Australia’s technical governance in August 2017 and the release of an Issues Paper​ calling for submissions.

Interviews were conducted with a range of stakeholders from industry associations, government, professional associations, private businesses and community interests. Consultations were also conducted with Standards Australia staff.

Stakeholders are asked to review the summary document to ensure key areas of focus have been captured.

Any comments on the summary should be provided directly to Cameron Ralph Khoury by 21 December 2017.

A recommendations report is expected to be provided to Standards Australia by March 2018.​​

Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487