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Kareen Riley-Takos profile picture
Kareen Riley-Takos
Chief Operations Officer

Kareen Riley-Takos is the Chief Operations Officer at Standards Australia, leading the key areas of national and international standards development and publishing, as well as e-commerce and customer success. Since joining Standards Australia in 2009, Kareen has held numerous leadership positions across the business, primarily focussed on innovation in standards development and content delivery. Kareen has also been responsible for driving digital transformation at Standards Australia, enabling the delivery of increased value to customers, productivity, and growth for the organisation.

Kareen is actively involved in various governance groups within the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to drive positive outcomes for the international communities they serve, including Australian stakeholders, and customers.  Her engagement includes:

  • Elected Member, ISO, IT Strategic Advisory Group (2018- 2024)
  • Elected Member, IEC Standardization Management Board (2020-2022)
  • Elected Member, IEC Business Advisory Committee (2022-2026)
  • Appointed Member, IEC IT Advisory Group (2018-2022)
  • Appointed Member, IEC New Revenue Generation (NRG) Group (2020-2022)
  • Appointed Member, ISO Customer Matters Program Board (2022-2023)

Prior to joining Standards Australia, Kareen held senior positions with peak industry organisations where she specialised in supporting, promoting, and advocating public policy interests for the shipping and infrastructure industries. Kareen commenced her career as an intellectual property lawyer in her country of birth, Brazil.

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