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2018 Standards Awards Winners

May 16, 2018


The Standards Awards are presented to those who have made significant contributions to standards development and demonstrated outstanding service in enabling Standards Australia to attain its objectives.

Through their exceptional work in developing Australian and international standards, the award winners have contributed to the net benefit of Australia.

Our 2018 Standards Awards winners are:

  • W.R. Hebblewhite Medal - Kevin Newhouse
  • Meritorious Contribution Award – National - Susan Jaques
  • Meritorious Contribution Award – International - Kim Craig
  • Emerging Leader Award - Brett Fairweather
  • Innovation Award - Jerry Tyrrell
  • Outstanding Committee Award - MS-024, Spectacles

Learn more about their achievements on the 2018 Award Winners page.

Pictured: Chairman Richard Brooks, Kim Craig, Kevin Newhouse, Susan Jaques, Jerry Tyrrell, CEO Dr Bronwyn Evans, Brett Fairweather

Communications Department
2018 Standards Awards Winners
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A group of seven people in business attire stands indoors holding framed awards, smiling at the camera.

The Standards Awards are presented to those who have made significant contributions to standards development and demonstrated outstanding service in enabling Standards Australia to attain its objectives.

Through their exceptional work in developing Australian and international standards, the award winners have contributed to the net benefit of Australia.

Our 2018 Standards Awards winners are:

  • W.R. Hebblewhite Medal - Kevin Newhouse
  • Meritorious Contribution Award – National - Susan Jaques
  • Meritorious Contribution Award – International - Kim Craig
  • Emerging Leader Award - Brett Fairweather
  • Innovation Award - Jerry Tyrrell
  • Outstanding Committee Award - MS-024, Spectacles

Learn more about their achievements on the 2018 Award Winners page.

Pictured: Chairman Richard Brooks, Kim Craig, Kevin Newhouse, Susan Jaques, Jerry Tyrrell, CEO Dr Bronwyn Evans, Brett Fairweather

Communications Department
Jess Dunne
Jess Dunne
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 9237 6381
Tanya Brees
Tanya Brees
Chief Marketing Officer
+61 2 9237 6041