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Alternative path for Australian standards development

January 24, 2023


As Standards Australia looks towards its next 100 years, we’re excited to be looking at new ways of developing and adopting Australian Standards.  To complement the model that’s already in place and working well in many areas, we’re looking to expand our development models to allow new and emerging industries to work within the standards environment, as well as helping us work better in cross-sectoral areas of activity.  To make this happen, we’re proposing changes to various Standardisation Guides to introduce:

  • An alternative path for the development of Australian Standards (including International Adoptions)
  • A streamlined process for the adoption of International Standards (opt-in process); and
  • Updates to the process and definition of Interim Standards to enable greater uptake of this delivery model when consensus is not possible or may be too early to be established.

Information about the proposed changes is available:

We’re also holding stakeholder consultation forums so you can hear from Standards Australia leaders and team members on the why, what and how, and contribute to this exciting change – a choice of dates and times are available:

  • Tuesday 21st February: 9:30-10:30am
  • Thursday 23rd February: 1:00-2:00pm
  • Wednesday 1st March: 2:00pm-3:00pm
  • Tuesday 7th March: 9:30-10:30am
  • Monday 13th March: 11:00am-12:00pm

Click here to register to attend a stakeholder consultation forum on Standardisation Guides.

Jess Dunne
Alternative path for Australian standards development
+ 61 2 9237 6381
Email and link here
A white speech bubble-shaped sign hanging against a yellow background with the text "We want your feedback.

As Standards Australia looks towards its next 100 years, we’re excited to be looking at new ways of developing and adopting Australian Standards.  To complement the model that’s already in place and working well in many areas, we’re looking to expand our development models to allow new and emerging industries to work within the standards environment, as well as helping us work better in cross-sectoral areas of activity.  To make this happen, we’re proposing changes to various Standardisation Guides to introduce:

  • An alternative path for the development of Australian Standards (including International Adoptions)
  • A streamlined process for the adoption of International Standards (opt-in process); and
  • Updates to the process and definition of Interim Standards to enable greater uptake of this delivery model when consensus is not possible or may be too early to be established.

Information about the proposed changes is available:

We’re also holding stakeholder consultation forums so you can hear from Standards Australia leaders and team members on the why, what and how, and contribute to this exciting change – a choice of dates and times are available:

  • Tuesday 21st February: 9:30-10:30am
  • Thursday 23rd February: 1:00-2:00pm
  • Wednesday 1st March: 2:00pm-3:00pm
  • Tuesday 7th March: 9:30-10:30am
  • Monday 13th March: 11:00am-12:00pm

Click here to register to attend a stakeholder consultation forum on Standardisation Guides.

Jess Dunne
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 9237 6381
Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487