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AI Management System Standard

Understanding AS ISO/IEC 42001:2023, Information technology - Artificial intelligence - Management System

AS ISO/IEC 42001:2023, Information technology - Artificial intelligence - Management System, an identical Australian National Adoption of ISO/IEC 42001:2023, is a standard developed to assist organisations in leveraging the benefits of AI responsibly. It outlines internal governance and risk management, aiming to support AI development, build business confidence, and provide a route for regulatory compliance.

To help individuals and organisations better understand this standard and its applications, Standards Australia, in partnership with the Australian National University, is offering an on-demand 2-hour online learning module, which will provide an in-depth overview of this world-first standard, anticipated to be the key standard for AI governance in Australia.

Australian National University Logo


  • 2-hour online learning module
  • Downloadable certificate of completion
  • Participant cost $210.00
Enrol now

Group bookings are available for organisations looking to enrol multiple participants, facilitating comprehensive training for teams aiming to align their practices with the Australian identical adoption of the AI Management System standard.