2024 Award Winners
Standards Awards are presented to those who have made significant contributions to standardisation and demonstrated outstanding service in enabling Standards Australia to attain its objectives.
W.R. Hebblewhite Medal

Geoff Boughton
A respected figure in the field of structural engineering, Geoff is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Cyclone Testing Station at James Cook University. With a career spanning over forty years, his experience includes roles in government, the private sector, and academia.
Geoff specialises in timber products and structures and wind actions on low-rise buildings. He has actively assessed buildings following extreme wind events and conducted research to address vulnerabilities in Australian Buildings, leading to changes in the National Construction Code and a number of Australian Standards.
Geoff has served on Standards Australia Committees for over 30 years, including TM-010 Timber Structures and Framing, BD-014 Metal Cladding, BD-006 General Design Requirements and Loading on Structures and its Sub-Committee BD-006-02 Wind actions. He has chaired the Committee TM-003 Timber Grading and BD-099 Wind Loads for Housing. He has also served on the ISO Technical Committee for structural timber.
He is a joint author of the Standards Handbook HB-108, Timber design handbook and is collaborating with Standards Australia and the Fiji government to draft wind loading standards for Fiji by providing guidance on wind design standards based on AS/NZS 1170.2:2021, Structural design actions, Part 2: Wind actions. This work could be extended to other Pacific nations with the potential to safeguard vital infrastructure in the Pacific Islands.
Geoff is dedicated to improving the built environment against extreme weather conditions and is a member of the Australasian Wind Engineering Society. He serves on the Pacific Islands Standards Committee (PISC) Technical Committee 1, which is currently assessing a model standard for energy efficiency in buildings.
His contributions to standards, particularly in wind actions on low-rise buildings, have improved community safety through the Building Code of Australia (BCA).
Meritorious Contribution Award – National

Colin Wood
Colin Wood, a stalwart in the field of construction in bushfire-prone areas, has been a beacon of effective leadership for approximately 30 years. As an active member of FP-020 Construction in Bushfire Prone Areas (responsible for AS 3959, Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas), his contributions have been instrumental in shaping the future of construction in these challenging environments.
Representing the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors, Colin has broadened the scope to encompass all facets of bushfire and building construction. This includes certification, compliance, fire safety upgrading of existing buildings, local government involvement, community recovery, rebuilding, and education at various levels – from Standards Australia and universities to professionals and local communities.
Colin’s consistent and effective approach has been pivotal in educating, facilitating, and negotiating impasses. His technical and practical input, always ahead of his remit, has been key in instigating and contributing to a positive way forward.
Currently, Colin chairs the Construction Sub-Committee of AS 3959. His commitment to the cause is evident in his decision to remain on the committee post-retirement. He is also actively involved in the drafting of the handbooks HB 208.1, Construction in Bushfire Prone Areas Part 1: Practitioners Guide and HB 208.2, Construction in Bushfire-prone Areas Part 2: Consumer manual.
Colin’s dedication and leadership have left an indelible mark on the field of construction in bushfire-prone areas. His contributions will continue to guide and inspire future generations in this critical area of work.
Meritorious Contribution Award – National

Robert Morgan
Robert (Rob) Morgan is a Melbourne based road safety and traffic engineer. He has been an active member of MS-012 Road Signs and Traffic Signals since October 1984, representing local government engineering interests. MS-012 is responsible for AS 1742, AS 1743 and AS 1744, which collectively comprise Australia’s ‘Manual of uniform traffic control devices’ (or MUTCD), the standard for all traffic signs, road markings and other delineation on the nation’s roads.
Shortly before Rob joined the committee it had been decided to split the single volume MUTCD into 14 parts. Rob took on the role of developing AS 1742.11, Parking controls. A major aim was to replace the wordy parking control signs of the time with symbolic signs; any text had to be minimal and readable. Rob’s work involved on-site testing of symbols and sign designs for comprehension and legibility. He developed the concept of ‘Zones’ for the most common No Stopping restrictions, as well Area parking control using entry and exit signs. Rob then prepared detailed specifications for all the sign layouts and drafted the standard for the committee. The first edition of AS 1742.11 was published in 1989 and has withstood the test of time: the fundamentals of Rob’s original work remain in place today. Rob quips that his artwork is on (just about) every street corner in Australia.
As well as making significant contributions to the updating of all parts of the MUTCD over the past 40 years, Rob has been the Drafting Leader for AS 1742.5, Street names (1997 and 2017), AS 1742.15, Direction signs (2019), AS 1742.10, Pedestrian control (2024) and, of course, AS 1742.11, Parking controls (1989, 1999, 2016 and currently). Rob considers that his ongoing active involvement is in no small way due to the collaborative approach taken by MS-012 committee members over the years.
Meritorious Contribution Award – International

Vivienne Christ
Vivienne Christ has made a significant impact in the field of microbiology in her 37-year career. Prior to her retirement in 2017, she worked as a medical microbiologist in pathology laboratories before transitioning to a regulatory role at the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Canberra.
In 1994, Vivienne began representing the TGA on the Standards Australia HE-023 Processing of Medical and Surgical Instruments, the committee responsible for the reprocessing standards AS/NZS 4187, Reprocessing of reusable medical devices in health service organisations and AS/NZS 4815, Office-based health care facilities - Reprocessing of reusable medical and surgical instruments and equipment, and maintenance of the associated environment.
Her contributions extend to the international stage; she was the first delegate to represent Australia as a participating country at the ISO/TC 198 Sterilization of health care products plenary in 1996. Her expertise has contributed to the development of numerous ISO/TC 198 standards on various sterilisation processes, biological and chemical indicators, washer-disinfectors, microbiological tests, aseptic processes, manufacturer’s reprocessing instructions, sterile packaging, and terminology.
As the Convenor of ISO/TC 198/WG 13 Washer-disinfectors (WDs) since 2008, Vivienne has led the development or revision of seven joint European (EN)/ISO 15883, Washer-disinfectors series of documents.
A notable achievement was the publication of ISO 15883-5:2021, Washer-disinfectors Part 5: Performance requirements and test method criteria for demonstrating cleaning efficacy, which took 13 years of complex international collaborative laboratory testing trials. Vivienne continues to lead and guide the revisions of the other six standards in the EN/ISO 15883 series. Her enduring work continues to impact standards in sterilisation and microbiology.
Emerging Leader Award

Sarah Brunton
A trailblazer in the field of Electrotechnology, Sarah Brunton has been instrumental in fostering industry standards and excellence. Since joining The Electrical Trades Union (ETU) of Australia as National Technical Officer in April 2022, she has been at the forefront of significant advancements in the field.
In 2023, Sarah marked a significant milestone by becoming the first participant from the Northern Territory in the prestigious Standards NEXTgen Program. This involvement underscores her commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments and innovations in the field.
As the ETU representative on the Standards Australia committee EL-001 Wiring Rules, Sarah plays a crucial role in shaping the standards that regulate electrical installations across the country. Her work involves proactive engagement with stakeholders, advocating for industry interest, and ensuring that standards are reflective of the evolving needs and priorities of electrical workers nationwide.
Sarah’s commitment to advancing industry standards is further demonstrated by her extensive qualifications. In addition to her 25 years of experience in the field, she holds diplomas in Work Health and Safety, Quality Auditing, and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Passionate about contributing positively to the industry through her expertise and knowledge in vocational education, Sarah is an advocate for the rights and well-being of electrical workers. Her impact in the field of Electrotechnology is profound, and her influence will continue to shape the future of industry standards in Australia.
Innovation Award

Harm Ellens
A leader in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) arena, Harm Ellens has been instrumental in shaping standardisation in this space. Leading the first Australian proposed project developed by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Information Technology - Artificial Intelligence, the Technical Report ISO/IEC TR 20226, Environmental sustainability aspects of AI systems, Harm has introduced the first inventory of metrics that enable organisations to measure AI’s environmental sustainability aspects. This groundbreaking work paves the way for future Technical Specifications and International Standards.
His contributions to standards development span many years, with a recent critical role in the launch of AS ISO/IEC 42001:2023, Information Technology- Artificial Intelligence-Management system. He has educated hundreds of AI experts on the importance of this new standard and the role of standards in emerging technology.
Joining IT-43 Artificial Intelligence as a Conversational AI industry expert in 2019, Harm later joined ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial Intelligence in 2020. He has contributed to several reports, specifications, and standards, including AS ISO/IEC 42001:2023. Currently, he is the Editor for the first Australian-led SC 42 project: "Environmental sustainability aspects of AI systems".
At the recent SC 42 Plenary, Harm was appointed Co-Convenor of the Joint Advisory Group on "AI and sustainability". He also represents Australia as an observer to ISO/IEC JTC 21, where he is at the forefront as Europe and the rest of the world look towards standards for conformity assessment to the EU AI Act that will come into effect in 2025.
Harm Ellens' influence in the field of AI has been remarkable, and his work continues to shape the future of AI standards globally.
Outstanding Committee Award

BD-090 Bridge Design
Established in 1995, the Standards Australia Committee BD-090 Bridge Design, along with its dedicated Sub-Committees, have been a leading force in the development of bridge design standards for three decades. The committee consists of a membership of 22 Nominating Organisations from Australia and New Zealand and has over 50 experts and members across 9 Sub-Committees. BD-090 is chaired by John Hilton who has a 40-year career in bridge design. John and the dedicated members of BD-090 have been instrumental in progressing critical updates to important national infrastructure standards pertaining to bridge design.
With a diverse membership and a collaborative spirit, the committee represents a wide range of perspectives from academia, government, professional associations, suppliers and engineering associations.
BD-090 maintains a 9-part standards series AS 5100, Bridge design that specifies requirements for design and associated construction and maintenance aspects of bridges in Australia and New Zealand. This includes completing significant work on five complex updates to the AS 5100 series of standards over the last two years.
They have been major contributors to the development of key infrastructure standards, benefiting all Australians. BD-090’s commitment to excellence is demonstrated in their work that transcends steel and concrete—it builds connections, resilience, and a brighter future for all Australians. By bringing together professionals from various fields, the committee ensures that bridge design standards address a wide range of concerns and reflect the needs of different stakeholders.
BD-090’s impact will endure in the bridges that span our landscapes and unite our people, symbolising their unwavering commitment to standards development and bridge design.